Monday, May 6, 2024
Tags Letter to the Editor

Tag: Letter to the Editor

Human Trafficking

The issue of human traf­ficking is indeed a grave concern that plagues so­cieties worldwide. It is a com­plex problem with deep-rooted causes and devastating...

Familiarity breeds contempt

Kamla Persad Bissessar is damn right, she must stand her ground. I really saw the news in the media that the NTA is seeking...

Lotto Agents

Lotto prizes and commissions have re­mained unchanged for Lotto Agents over the past years. However, to reflect the evolving landscape and ensure fair compensa­tion,...


Inflation, the per­sistent increase in prices across an economy, can in­deed erode purchas­ing power and nega­tively impact both consumers and businesses. However, instead of solely...

Open Letter to the Police Commissioner…….

Investigate SRP Cortez and the Sangre Grande Police Station now What will it take for Erla Harewood Christopher to launch an investigation of the operations...

Well said Kamla

Just give the salary increases to public servants. Kamla Persad Bissessar has again shown why she is the ideal alternative as the leader of government...

The firing of NP’s Chief Internal Auditor

Dear Editor: First of all, let’s keep in mind that these are supposedly intelligent people tasked with guiding a key state enterprise. Let’s also keep...

Jack Warner should run for TTFA President

I would like to sound off on Jack War­ner’s victory and vindication since the collapse of the persecution against him and put on loud...

Trump victory will bring world peace

Under his presidency, there was not a single overseas conflict, in fact, he should be credited for mediating the Abraham Accords as a significant...

Is Erla really the worst Commissioner of Police?

Dear Editor: In my opinion, having a female Commis­sioner of Police in this country was, in the begin­ning, truly inspirational for all women who...
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Government Handling of Crime Poll

Results: 0 Yes / 0 No