Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Tags Letter to the Editor

Tag: Letter to the Editor

Shark bounty a fantastic idea

That was a brilliant move Mr. Augus­tine. The bounty is an incentive to encourage fishing for sharks not just for Tobagonian fishermen but for...

An Open Letter to the Editor

I want to openly state my bias against the Be­yond the Tape Pro­gramme aired on CCN TV6 weekly, Monday to Friday from 6:00 –...

HDC’s Clients Deserve a better WASA

Imagine having to pay every time you need a simple piece of paper in this case your water bill. Ridiculous, right? Well, that’s the reality...

The Literati, Glitterati, and the Latrine Fly

Of the three, which is the one you’re most likely to see and be most pestered by? I have a little cocoyea broom and...

An insult to senior citizens

In one fell swoop Mem­ber of Parliament Rodney Charles rel­egated all ‘senior’ citizens to their rocking chairs or their funeral pyres. At a recent press...

Kamla, damn right again!

I listened to Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar at the recent UNC cottage meeting on social media last Monday night. I understand why some people do...

“The police are waiting until he kills me”

Dear Sir, I am penning this letter to you after making several reports to three police stations and getting receipts on each occasion but...

Another Day at the Office for Terrence, God help this nation

Dear Sir/Madam, In Norway, the Health Minister resigned her position over a plagarism issue. She was not alone as there were others before her, who...

LORD! Put ah hand

Is Tumpuna Road in Arima even consid­ered a road anymore? Those potholes are like driving through a battle­field! They’re massive, wreaking havoc on our...

IMF Article IV and The BancTrust Downgrade

The IMF is a lender of last resort and it monitors the fi­nancial policy decisions of its member countries. The summary is largely positive...
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Government Handling of Crime Poll

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