Saturday, May 11, 2024
Tags Yudhistha Orie

Tag: Yudhistha Orie

Of Pitch Lake, Potholes, and an A&*Hole

BY YUDHISTHA ORIE In 1595, Sir Walter Raleigh arrived in Trinidad in search of El Dorado, the fa­bled city of gold. Un­fortunately, his ship had...

Of Caligula’s Horse and Rowley’s Stable

BY YUDHISTHA ORIE When one looks at the so-called newly formed government of the PNM and compares it to what it was be­fore the election,...

Seeing only what you want to see

BY YUDHISTHA ORIE Nowadays, in a society like ours, mul­titudes of things are said with a lot of accusations being made regardless of whether or...

“Beg (the victims) PM…for Forgiveness”

BY YUDHISTHA ORIE “I accept the full blame,” admitted Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley at a re­cent press conference where he, on behalf of his...

The Tobago Blight

…is why we are in this mess BY YUDHISTHA ORIE People are heeding every dictatorial command blurted out, shout­ed down to them by the PM. So...

T&T seems dead and buried thanks to our………Lifeless Leadership!

BY YUDHISTHA ORIE Looking back at what occurred in the last term of the incum­bent government, one must have said to oneself that a change...

Dangers await T&T

BY YUDHISTHA ORIE Looking back at what oc­curred in the last term of the incumbent govern­ment, one must have said to himself that a change...

Camille, remember when Trump blanked Rowley?

BY YUDHISTHA ORIE It was in March 2019, when former US President Donald Trump blanked Prime Min­ister Dr Keith Rowley, inviting all Caribbean leaders except...


While the nation tearfully viewed the funeral of An­drea Bharatt as it was broadcast live recently, a major question arose in virtually the entire...
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Government Handling of Crime Poll

Results: 0 Yes / 0 No