Thursday, April 25, 2024


Top marks for Snr Supt Richard Smith

People are say­ing that Snr Supt Rich­ard Smith deserves top marks when described the two murders which took place at Oro­pune last week as,...

Rowley’s vacation from crime

The sight of a Prime Minister heading off on a vacation is rare in Trinidad and Tobago’s political history. In fact, historians would be hard-pressed...

Eid Mubarak

Muslims in Trin­idad and Toba­go and around the world will celebrate the conclusion to the blessed Islamic month of Ramadan on Wednes­day (April 10)...

Family say fight over property, money

"The killing of 3 brothers" By FRANCIS JOSEPH Homicide Bu­reau officers remain baffled over the killing of three brothers over the last six months. What can...

The Journey – 2025 and Beyond

……..the Opposition needs to become more focused The country seems to be going from bad to worse with no end in sight. If the elections were...

Let the Jackass Bray

This is a witch-hunt and, sad­ly, all the talk about investigations into allegations of ac­tions taken during the tenure of the former Commissioner of...

The Constitutional Review Committee

…………is another Rowley lazy exercise By PETER GREEN People have ev­ery right to be suspicious of this latest attempt at constitutional since such initiatives have failed...

Dem two PNM lochos call a non-press conference

The Rum Posse met last week­end as usual, still reminiscing about the weekend before at Anand’s beach house. They met by Barman with no...

Let’s do something right for our children

EDITORIAL The decision by the Children’s Authority to clamp down on child beggars across Trini­dad and Tobago is a step in the right di­rection and...

Most Evil President- Joe Biden

Should President Joe Biden be tak­en seriously in his warning to Benjamin Netanyahu with re­gard to future support for the war against the Palestinians? No...

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Government Handling of Crime Poll

Results: 0 Yes / 0 No