Monday, May 20, 2024
Tags Rum Talk

Tag: Rum Talk

Mandela plan or no Mandela plan…

Mayor Martinez ‘Beh-Beh’ long time now! Another weekend. Another lime for the Rum Posse. Another set of bad talking about any and everything. This time...

Hell is jes’ round the corner!

The Rum Posse met again last weekend and, as it was a long weekend, they decided to lime just a bit longer, while at...

Dis Joker Gone Wild!

The Rum Posse had been waiting with bated breath last weekend to see whether the Prime Minister would have opened up bars and allow...

Deyalsingh is ah 4-car MP!

The Rum Posse met again last weekend, this time by Balkie. The menu consisted of curry cascadoo, curry lambie, dahl and provi­sion.There was some...

D lady in green make man in red tun blue!

…with vexation Another weekend came last week when the Rum Posse met for their usual weekend lime and drink. On this occasion they were at...

Govt running D’ country ‘Lamay ah Porsche’ and only selling dreams!

The Rum Posse had another session last weekend and what a time they had! There were several matters they were set to discuss. One...

D for Deyalsingh! D for Disaster! D for Depressing!

This past week was another one full of issues for the Rum Posse to discuss when they met by Barman’s home last weekend. There...

Deyalsingh shudda cry again!

This was a tough week for the Rum Posse. There were too many things to discuss and they had to choose what was of...

On Corpus Christi while the people planting peas…

D’ Govt Planting Lies! Last week was a short week but there were still many is­sues for the Rum Posse to talk about when they...

Covid Vaccines comin’ chirrup, chirrup!

As far as the Rum Posse was con­cerned, the past week was the mother of all weeks. Four senior spe­cialist doctors were trans­ferred from...
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