Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Tags Health and Wellness

Tag: Health and Wellness

Should You Get a Booster Shot?

This week the Biden administration an­nounced it would be­gin offering COVID booster shots to most Americans eight months after their second dose of Pfizer’s...

5 Eating habits and foods that weaken your immune system

Keeping your immune sys­tem strong is one of the most important and im­pactful things you can do right now, as the coronavirus pandemic continues.But...

Can the vaccinated develop long Covid?

Despite concerns about the Delta variant and break­through coronavirus cases, it’s clear that the vaccines are pro­tecting us from hospitalization and death. Typically, breakthrough...

Men who drink alcohol…it’s time to limit yourself to one shot per day

If you drink alcohol, limiting yourself to one drink per day will help reduce your overall health risks. This limit applies to everyone, whether...

Time to hire a caregiver

Hiring caregivers to come into your home can be an effective way to contin­ue living independently despite physi­cal or cognitive challenges. Caregivers can assist...

The 7 best teas for people with diabetes

If you have diabetes, your healthcare team has probably told you what kinds of beverages to skip, like soda, juice, and sugary sports drinks. But...

9 health foods & drinks you shouldn’t binge …and why

A good deal of healthy-eating advice comes down to a simple premise: Moderation in all things. That’s true even for healthy foods, such as...

Eight Natural Alternative to Antibiotics

Plants, food, and herbal tinctures have been used as natural antibiotics to treat illness and disease for centuries. Then Big Pharma swept the nation. But...

7 health benefits of Quinoa

Why this grain is a superfood? Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is the seed of the Cheno­podium quinoa plant. Botanically speaking, it’s not a grain. However, it’s of­ten...

All under-16s will be offered a free flu vaccine

All under-16s in Britain will be offered a free flu vaccine The flu vaccine programme may be expanded to all under-16s in the UK for...
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